When I originally conceived of MyD20 Lite, I pictured some additional classes beyond the four core concept classes. In essence, they captured the Mage-Warrior, Priest-Warrior and Mage-Thief multiclass concepts as single classes, at least in terms of the rules. All of them were partial casters, meaning that they shared a slower spell progression, but the trade-off was that they advanced faster than standard multiclass characters.
The next three posts contain the basic rules for these classes, in case you are interested in using them for either your MyD20 Lite games or modifying them for other retro-variants.
The Sorcerer embodies the militant arcane spellcaster, trading some of the Mage's aptitude for arcane magics in order to gain some of the Warrior's combat potential. Sorcerers are commonly found among cultures that emphasize both magic and martial prowess, and tend to resolve conflicts through a balance between reasoning and strength.
Hit Dice: d8 (16 + Con Modifier at 1st Level, 5 + Con Modifier per level from 2nd to 9th level, gain 2 hp/level at 10th and later levels)
Prime Attribute: Intelligence
Saving Throw Bonuses: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Starting Skills: 3 + Int Modifier. The following skills are suggested for a Sorcerer character, but not required: Athletics, Beastkeeping, Crafts (any), Lore (Arcana, Engineering, Geography, History, Nature, Tactic), Perception, Survival, Transport (Land Mounts).
Starting Weapon Groups: 2.
Starting Armor/Shields: Light Armor, Light Shields
Class Features: The following are considered class features for the Sorcerer. When a target is required to make a saving throw against a given class feature, the Difficulty of the saving throw is equal to a base of 10, plus the Sorcerer's Class Level Modifier and his Intelligence bonus, if any.
Arcane Spells: The Sorcerer has developed the ability to cast arcane spells, in a manner similar to the Mage. The Sorcerer table below captures the Spellpoints and Maximum Spell Level for this class.
Talents: At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, the Sorcerer may select a talent from the lists given under "Talents for Everyone", "Talents for Spellcasters", Mages and Warriors.
Table: The Sorcerer
Level HD BAB Max Lvl SPs Class Features 1 2d8 +0 1 0* Talent, Arcane Spells 2 3d8 +1 1 1 3 4d8 +2 1 3
4 5d8 +3 2 6 Talent
5 6d8 +3 2 9
6 7d8 +4 2 13
7 8d8 +5 3 18 Talent
8 9d8 +6 3 24
9 10d8 +6 3 30
10 10d8+2 +7 4 37 Talent
11 10d8+4 +8 4 45
12 10d8+6 +9 4 54
13 10d8+8 +9 5 63 Talent
14 10d8+10 +10 5 73
15 10d8+12 +11 5 84
16 10d8+14 +12 6 96 Talent
17 10d8+16 +12 6 108
18 10d8+18 +13 6 121
19 10d8+20 +14 7 135 Talent
20 10d8+22 +15 7 150
NOTE: A 1st level Sorcerer can cast spells only if he has bonus spellpoints due to a high Intelligence.
Next time around, I'll cover the Crusader, the Priest-Warrior mix.
With Regards,
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