Monday, April 30, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Zegoth (Gorilla-Men)...

Good Afternoon, All:

We made it! Woohoo! For my last post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a race of gorilla-men often used as slaves and laborers. Z is for Zegoth.


Brief Description: The zegoths are a gorilla-like humanoid servitor race subjugated by the Serpentfolk. Known for their strength and cruelty, they are often employed as by the serpenthfolk as warriors, enforcers and laborers. Zegoths stand about a head taller than Humans, and weigh thirty to fifty pounds more. Despite their cruel and mean-spirited nature, zegoths are considered by the serpentfolk to be the most controllable and thus most trustworthy non-reptilian race. Unless  adventurers have been captured by serpentfolk and placed into slavery, they will likely only meet these gorilla-men in the form of patrols and work details. Their presence often indicates that serpentfolk are not very far away.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Zegoth Warriors, 1 Zegoth Overseer. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Zegoth Warriors, 3 Zegoth Overseers, 1 Zegoth Champion, 1 Zegoth Warlord. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Zegoth Warriors, 6 Zegoth Overseers, 2 Zegoth Champions, 1 Zegoth Warlord. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Zegoth Warrior: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6+1); ST: 16; SP: Brute strength (+1 damage on melee attacks), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Zegoth Overseer: AC 5 [14]; HD 2d6+4 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6+1); ST: 15; SP: Brute strength (+1 damage on melee attacks), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 3; XP: 60.

  • Zegoth Champion: AC 5 [14]; HD 4d6+8 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8+1); ST: 13; SP: Brute strength (+1 damage on melee attacks), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 5; XP: 240.

  • Zegoth Warlord: AC 2 [17]; HD 8d6+16 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d10+1); ST: 9; SP: Brute strength (+1 damage on melee attacks), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 9; XP: 1,100.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The zegoths are a ragtag band of escaped slaves, fleeing their serpentfolk masters in the hope of keeping their freedom.

  2. The zegoths are hard at work, preparing a site to serve as the encampment for a larger military unit that will be arriving within the day.

  3. The zegoths are patrolling the region when the party encounters them.

  4. The zegoths are returning to their encampment after an unsuccessful attempt to extort a tribute of trade goods and supplies from a nearby settlement.

  5. The zegoths are transporting prisoners from one site to another at the order of their serpentfolk masters.

  6. The zegoths challenge the party, demanding tribute to avoid unwanted attention from the gorilla-men.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Free One Page Mini-Setting: Sell-Swords of Mars...

Good Afternoon, All:

For the last few years, I've always told myself that I would write up and submit an entry to the annual One Page Dungeon Contest. This month, I felt appropriately motivated, and finally took the plunge.

Sell-Swords of Mars is a mini-setting intended for Sword & Planet: A Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance. As you can see, it's a snapshot of a small region of Barsoom, complete with encounter table, reaction table, map and location key. In true Old School deference, this setting is rather "bare bones", with a number of adventure hooks hinted at in the descriptions of each location. I welcome you to check it out and share your feedback with me on its contents.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Yakshini...

Good Afternoon, All:

We are almost done! For my twenty-fifth post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with beautiful demon-spirits with a taste for blood. Y is for Yakshini.


Brief Description: A type of guardian undead, yakshinis were originally summoned to look after treasures hidden in the earth. With the destruction of these treasures in the War of All Gods, these unliving guardians have been set loose upon the world, only to spread their curse through the sharing of their essence, much like vampires. Yakshinis resemble beautiful and voluptuous women, with wide hips, narrow waists, broad shoulders, and exaggerated, spherical breasts. They survive by waylaying men with their beauty and drinking their blood. Yakshinis enjoy torturing men physically and mentally, deriving immense pleasure from their sadistic predations. Given that many yakshinis are beautiful women that typically lair at the base of great trees, many adventurers hold the mistaken belief that they are nymphs or dryads that have been twisted by the blood of the Gods.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 4 Seduced Protectors, 1 Yakshini Maiden. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 8 Seduced Protectors, 2 Yakshini Maidens, 1 Yakshini. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 16 Seduced Protectors, 4 Yakshini Maidens, 2 Yakshini. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Seduced Protectors: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: fanaticism (will trade places with an attacked yakshini, if adjacent, and suffer the effects of the attack instead of the yakshini); MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Yakshini Maiden: AC 5 [14]; HD 3; Atk: two claws (1d4 + energy drain); ST: 14; SP: damage reduction (half damage from non-magical weapons), energy drain (1 level, save negates), immunity (all mind-affecting and enchanting magic), regeneration (1 hp/round), seduction (target dominated, save negates); MV: 12; CL 7; XP 600.

  • Yakshini: AC 3 [16]; HD 6; Atk: two claws (1d6 + energy drain); ST: 11; SP: damage reduction (half damage from non-magical weapons), energy drain (1 level, save negates), immunity (all mind-affecting and enchanting magic), regeneration (2 hp/round), seduction (target dominated, save negates); MV: 12; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The yakshini are exsanguinating an unfortunate band of travelers while their entourage watches on, admiring their beauty.

  2. The yakshini entourage pose as the remnants of a royal caravan trying to make their way home.

  3. The yakshini entourage is harassing a small band of helpless travelers.

  4. The yakshini entourage is returning to their lair with new prisoners and captured goods.

  5. The yakshini entourage is marching toward a distant site, summoned by a necromancer of great power.

  6. The yakshine entourage is patrolling the region in service to a powerful necromancer or undead master.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Xenophobic Patrol...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter detailing encounters with patrols from the isolated villages, townships and cities that struggle to survive in the chaos that is the Madlands. X is for Xenophobic Patrol.

Xenophobic Patrol

Brief Description: Despite the dangers of living in the Madlands, many isolated communities have survived the aftermath of the War of All Gods and have retained a foothold in the Shattered Territories. Life is hard in the Madlands, and the presence of warped abominations and shapeshifting serpentfolk has turned many simple townfolk into reclusive xenophobes. Most adventurers only encounter the outlying patrols of these communities, who discourage the adventurers from approaching any closer to the homesteads of people these patrols protect.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Xenophobic Mercenaries, 1 Xenophobic Lieutenant. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Xenophobic Mercenaries, 3 Xenophobic Lieutenants, 1 Xenophobic Captain, 1 Xenophobic Warlord. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Xenophobic Mercenaries, 6 Xenophobic Lieutenants, 2 Xenophobic Captain, 1 Xenophobic Warlord. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Xenophobic Mercenary: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: xenophobic (all reactions are one category worse than normal); MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Xenophobic Lieutenant: AC 5 [14]; HD 2d6+4 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 15; SP: xenophobic (all reactions are one category worse than normal); MV: 9; CL 3; XP: 60.

  • Xenophobic Captain: AC 5 [14]; HD 4d6+8 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 13; SP: xenophobic (all reactions are one category worse than normal); MV: 9; CL 5; XP: 240.

  • Xenophobic Warlord: AC 2 [17]; HD 8d6+16 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 9; SP: xenophobic (all reactions are one category worse than normal); MV: 9; CL 9; XP: 1,100.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The xenophobic patrol are luring a warped abomination away from their homestead, and are more than willing to lead it to the party, rather than put their own people at risk.

  2. The xenophobic patrol are performing a routine patrol of the region when the party encounters them.

  3. The xenophobic patrol are returning to their homestead after clearing a nearby lair; they bear the corpses of their fallen with them.

  4. The xenophobic patrol are transporting prisoners back to their homestead when the party comes upon them.

  5. The xenophobic patrol challenges the party, demanding tribute to avoid unwanted attention from the patrolmen.

  6. With obvious distaste, the xenophobic patrol attempts to negotiate with the party for much needed food, trade goods and general supplies.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: White Ape...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my twenty-third post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with some of the fiercest and deadliest primates in the Shattered Territories. W is for White Ape.

White Ape

Brief Description: White apes have six limbs, four of them being thick sinewy arms and two being stout legs, and are of tremendous size. They have a head like that of the African gorilla, with a shock of thick, stiff-bristled hair that runs from the back of the skull and neck to the upper shoulders. While white apes are found in many different terrain types in the Madlands, they prefer to dwell in the ruins of dead cities which provide them with shelter and good hunting grounds.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 3 Young White Apes. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 5 Young White Apes, 2 White Apes, 1 White Ape Alpha Male. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 10 Young White Apes, 5 White Apes, 1 White Ape Alpha Male. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Young White Ape: AC 5 [14]; HD 3; Atk: bite (1d6), four claws (1d3); ST: 14; SP: rend (2d3 additional damage if two or more claws hit in the same round); MV: 15, climb 15; CL 4; XP 120.

  • White Ape: AC 3 [16]; HD 7; Atk: bite (1d8), four claws (1d4); ST: 9; SP: rend (2d4 additional damage if two or more claws hit in the same round); MV: 15, climb 15; CL 8; XP 800.

  • White Ape Alpha Male: AC 1 [18]; HD 11; Atk: bite (2d6), four claws (1d6); ST: 4; SP: rend (2d6 additional damage if two or more claws hit in the same round); MV: 15, climb 15; CL 12; XP 2,000.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. A female white ape takes a liking to a male member of the party, which encourages the alpha male to attempt to intimidate his newfound rival.

  2. The white apes are actually of two different communities, and are confronting one another over territory when the party comes upon the scene.

  3. The white apes are fleeing a warped monstrosity from the depths of the Madlands, and are perfectly happy to let the players distract the beast so they can get away.

  4. The white apes are patrolling their territory.

  5. The white apes are returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  6. The white apes are sleeping after a good hunt, and do not take kindly to those who wake them up.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Vulturan...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter concerning a rather repulsive race of humanoids common to the depths of the Madlands. V is for Vulturan.


Brief Description: The Vulturan are a race of flightless vulterine people that have, until the War of All Gods, dwelt in relative seclusion in the hills bordering the Great Plains of Cameria. Since the Madlands have become warped and shattered, the Vulturans have found themselves traveling further and further from their homeland. Humanoid in appearance, Vulturans are covered with feathers ranging from a dull ocher to a dark charcoal in color, with a birdlike face and beak. Vulturans have poor personal hygiene and crude behavior, and are regarded as second-class citizens in many regions where they are encountered, often relegated to positions as guards and low-class mercenaries.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Vulturan Mercenaries, 1 Vulturan Lieutenant. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Vulturan Mercenaries, 3 Vulturan Lieutenants, 1 Vulturan Captain, 1 Vulturan Warlord. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Vulturan Mercenaries, 6 Vulturan Lieutenants, 2 Vulturan Captain, 1 Vulturan Warlord. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Vulturan Mercenary: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: Poor hygiene (-2 on reaction rolls), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Vulturan Lieutenant: AC 5 [14]; HD 2d6+4 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 15; SP: Poor hygiene (-2 on reaction rolls), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 3; XP: 60.

  • Vulturan Captain: AC 5 [14]; HD 4d6+8 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 13; SP: Poor hygiene (-2 on reaction rolls), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 5; XP: 240.

  • Vulturan Warlord: AC 2 [17]; HD 8d6+16 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 9; SP: Poor hygiene (-2 on reaction rolls), resilient (+2 on saves vs heat and cold effects); MV: 9; CL 9; XP: 1,100.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The vulturans challenge the party, demanding tribute to avoid unwanted attention from the mercenaries.

  2. A seemingly innocent campsite serves as the lure for an ambush by the vulturans.

  3. Seemingly unworried by the party's warskill, the vulturans attempt to negotiate for food, trade goods and general supplies.

  4. The vulturans are returning to their encampment after retrieving their monthly tribute from a nearby settlement.

  5. The vulturans are patrolling the region when the party encounters them.

  6. The vulturans are transporting prisoners back to their encampment when the party comes upon them.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Unicorn...

Good Afternoon, All:

Just a quick note: this is the 450th post I've made on In Like Flynn. Woohoo! Yay, me! Okay, back to our regularly scheduled series of posts, already in progress...

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a once-noble magical beast whose very essence has been corrupted by the chaotic energies of the blood of the Gods. U is for Unicorn.

Unicorn (Madlands)

Brief Description: Once a noble and beloved protector of the forests of Cameria, the Madlands unicorn has been twisted by the blood of the Gods into a carnivorous, nightmarish reflection of its former self. Wandering the wilderness of the Shattered Territories in small herds, the Madlands unicorn is a vicious predator with a hatred for anyone or anything that harms the environment, including those who wear leather or cloth, or who bear implements made of wood. These beasts eat meat, and enjoy the thrill of the chase.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Young Unicorns, 1 Unicorn. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Young Unicorns, 2 Unicorns, 1 Advanced Unicorn. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Young Unicorns, 4 Unicorns, 2 Advanced Unicorns. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Young Unicorn: AC 4 [15]; HD 2; Atk: one horn (1d6), two hooves (1d6); ST: 16; SP: double damage for charge, 15% magic resistance, teleport (up to 360 ft, 1/day); MV: 24; CL 3; XP 60.

  • Unicorn: AC 2 [17]; HD 4; Atk: one horn (1d8), two hooves (1d8); ST: 13; SP: double damage for charge, 25% magic resistance, teleport (up to 360 ft, 1/day); MV: 24; CL 5; XP 240.

  • Advanced Unicorn: AC 0 [19]; HD 8; Atk: one horn (2d6), two hooves (2d6); ST: 8; SP: double damage for charge, 45% magic resistance, teleport (up to 360 ft, 1/day); MV: 24; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The unicorns are fleeing a warped monstrosity from the depths of the Madlands, and are perfectly happy to let the players distract the beast so they can get away.

  2. The unicorns are returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  3. The unicorns are tormenting some travelers before eating them, playing with their food, as it were, when the party comes upon the herd.

  4. The unicorns are sleeping after a good hunt, and do not take kindly to those who would wake them up.

  5. The unicorns have cornered a large herbivore and are worrying it with frequent grazing attacks, killing it slowly and cruelly.

  6. The unicorns are actually of two different herds, and are confronting one another over territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Troll...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with a race of regenerating giants and their twisted canine companions. T is for Troll.


Brief Description: The troll mastiff resembles a two-headed wolf covered with warts and stiff, wiry hair. This beast is named as much for its appearance as it is for its regenerative ability. Trolls are as tall as ogres, and just as strong. Unlike ogres, however, they attack with claws and teeth instead of weapons. Trolls regenerate, which is to say that any damage inflicted upon them heals within minutes. The only way to utterly kill a troll or a troll mastiff is to submerse it in acid or burn it. Trolls and their canine companions can even re-grow lopped-off heads and limbs.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 1 Troll Mastiff, 1 Troll. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Troll Mastiffs, 2 Trolls, 1 Troll Warlord. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Troll Mastiffs, 4 Trolls, 2 Troll Warlords. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Troll Mastiff: AC 6 [13]; HD 2; Atk: two bites (1d4); ST: 16; SP: regeneration (1 hit point/round); MV: 18; CL 3; XP 60.

  • Troll: AC 4 [15]; HD 6; Atk: one bite (1d8), two claws (1d4); ST: 11; SP: regeneration (3 hit points/round); MV: 12; CL 8; XP 800.

  • Troll Warlord: AC 1 [18]; HD 9; Atk: one bite (1d8), two claws (1d4) or one bite (1d8) and greatsword (2d6); ST: 6; SP: regeneration (3 hit points/round); MV: 12; CL 11; XP 1,700.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The trolls are fleeing a warped monstrosity with either fire-based or acid-based attacks, and are perfectly happy to let the players distract the beast so they can get away.

  2. The trolls are heading toward a great gathering of their kind, which has been called by a mysterious giant leader for the purpose of war.

  3. The trolls are returning to their lair after retrieving their monthly tribute from a nearby settlement.

  4. The trolls are tormenting some prisoners before eating them when the party comes upon the band.

  5. The trolls attempt to demand tribute from the party in exchange for safe passage.

  6. The trolls have transporting prisoners back to their lair when the party comes upon them.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Serpentfolk...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with an ancient reptilian race filled with hatred and a desire for conquest. S is for Serpentfolk.


Brief Description: Also known as the Manasa, the serpentfolk are an ancient race of serpentine humanoids, whom legend states have walked the earth since before the rise of mammals. Over time, the serpentfolk have mystically crossbred with humans and other humanoids, mixing their blood and abilities, the better to infiltrate and eventually destroy those that opposed their territorial expansion. Although largely humanoid in form, the Manasa still have the mentality of reptiles. Concepts such as mercy and compromise are unknown to them. They are utterly ruthless, and have little concept of honor. Survival and victory are their only goals, though they are fully capable of employing subtle or deceptive methods to obtain them. Through their crossbreeding and mystical experiments, the Manasa have evolved into three distinct types, or castes: the Manblooded (mostly humanoid), the Hybrid (half snake/half man), and the Nagaborn (mostly serpentine).

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 4 Men-At-Arms, 1 Hybrid Serpentfolk. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 8 Men-At-Arms, 2 Hybrid Serpentfolk, 1 Manblooded Serpentfolk. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 16 Men-At-Arms, 4 Hybrid Serpentfolk, 2 Manblooded Serpentfolk, 1 Nagaborn Serpentfolk. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Men-At-Arms: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: +1 on attack rolls in defense of their patron; MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Hybrid Serpentfolk: AC 3 [16]; HD 4; Atk: bite (1d4+poison) and long sword (1d8) or long bow (1d6); ST: 13; SP: darkvision 60 ft, immune to poison, poisonous bite, speak with snakes, spell-like abilities; MV: 12; CL 9; XP 1,100.

  • Manblooded Serpentfolk: AC 1 [18]; HD 7; Atk: long sword (1d8) or long bow (1d6); ST: 9; SP: alter form, control snakes, darkvision 60 ft, immune to poison, ophidiaphobia, speak with snakes, spell-like abilities; MV: 12; CL 12; XP 2,000.

  • Nagaborn Serpentfolk: AC -2 [21]; HD 9; Atk: bite (1d6+poison) and long sword (1d8) or long bow (1d6); ST: 6; SP: darkvision 60 ft, immune to poison, ophidiaphobia, poisonous bite, speak with snakes, spell-like abilities, spit; MV: 12; CL 15; XP 2,900.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The serpentfolk are preparing to ambush an expedition, hoping to use their infiltration abilities to take the place of a few "survivors".

  2. The serpentfolk are currently setting up camp, as they are travelling across the Madlands.

  3. The serpentfolk demand tribute from the party in exchange for not attacking them.

  4. The serpentfolk are fleeing a divinely-warped aberration from the depths of the Madlands, and is more than willing to send the party in that direction to distract it.

  5. The serpentfolk pose as an expedition, and seek to gain the trust of the party to add to their assumed identities to help them infiltrate human society.

  6. The leader of the serpentfolk is seeking a religious artifact for his goddess, Dark Mother of Reptiles.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Revenant...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with those animated corpses that feast on the flesh of humanoids. R is for Revenant.


Brief Description: The revenant is an animated corpse that has returned from the grave to feast upon the flesh of the living. As revenants often travel with ghouls and ghasts, they are often mistaken for ghouls. Unlike most undead, revenants are not mindless. Indeed, they are wickedly cunning, and can make terrible adversaries. Legend holds that revenants regenerate much like trolls, and can only be completely killed by cutting off their head, followed by burning the head and body separately.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Ghouls, 1 Ghast. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Ghouls, 2 Ghasts, 1 Revenant. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Ghouls, 4 Ghasts, 2 Revenants. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Ghoul: AC 6 [13]; HD 2; Atk: one bite (1d4), two claws (1d3 + paralytic touch); ST: 16; SP: immunity (sleep and charm), paralytic touch (target paralyzed for 3d6 turns, save negates); MV: 9; CL 3; XP 60.

  • Ghast: AC 4 [15]; HD 4; Atk: one bite (1d6), two claws (1d3 + paralytic touch); ST: 13; SP: immunity (sleep and charm), paralytic touch (target paralyzed for 3d6 turns, save negates), stench (all adjacent targets suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls, save negates); MV: 9; CL 5; XP 240.

  • Revenant: AC 2 [17]; HD 6; Atk: one bite (1d8), two claws (1d6); ST: 11; SP: immunity (sleep and charm), regenerate (3 hp/round, fire and acid do normal damage); MV: 12; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The undead are feasting on the corpse of an unfortunate soul when the party comes upon them.

  2. The undead are digging fresh graves to set up an ambush site when the party comes across them.

  3. The undead are harassing a small band of helpless travelers.

  4. The undead are returning to their lair after a successful hunt.

  5. The undead are marching toward a distant site, summoned by a necromancer of great power.

  6. The undead are patrolling the region in service to a powerful necromancer or undead master.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Quickling...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with fey warped by the blood of the gods, doomed to live out their short lives moving faster than the rest of the universe. Q is for Quickling.


Brief Description: Quicklings are descended from fey that have been warped by exposure to the blood of a fallen goddess. These twisted caricatures of other faerie-kin are doomed to live short lives at breakneck speeds. This curse frustrates many quicklings, resulting in an intense hatred of all races (especially the other fey creatures) excluding their own kind. Quicklings are small and slender, resembling miniature elves with very sharp, feral features. Their ears are unusually large and rise to points above their heads. Their skin ranges from pale to blue-white, and their hair is silver or white. Quicklings have little regard for their own personal safety, relying on their preternatural speed to protect them from harm. Thus, quicklings will often attack by rushing in, stabbing a foe with its daggers, and then moving out of melee range before the opponent can react.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Quicklings. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Quicklings, 2 Quickling Warriors, 1 Quickling Warlord. 1d6+1 gems, 1d6+1 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Quicklings, 4 Quickling Warriors, 2 Quickling Warlords. 2d6 gems, 2d6 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Quickling: AC 0 [19]; HD 1d6 hp; Atk: three dagger strikes (1d4 + paralytic poison); ST: 18; SP: natural invisibility (only visible when attacking), paralytic poison (target paralyzed, save 1/round, save ends); MV: 96; CL 8; XP 800.

  • Quickling Warrior: AC -2 [21]; HD 2; Atk: three dagger strikes (1d4 + paralytic poison); ST: 16; SP: natural invisibility (only visible when attacking), paralytic poison (target paralyzed, save 1/round, save ends); MV: 96; CL 10; XP 1,400.

  • Quickling Warlord: AC -4 [23]; HD 5; Atk: three dagger strikes (1d4 + paralytic poison); ST: 12; SP: natural invisibility (only visible when attacking), paralytic poison (target paralyzed, save 1/round, save ends); MV: 96; CL 13; XP 2,300.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The quicklings are seeking specific herbs to harvest for their paralytic poison.

  2. The quicklings are burning one of their recently fallen when the party comes upon them.

  3. The quicklings are harassing a small band of helpless travelers.

  4. The quicklings are returning to their lair with recently discovered treasure.

  5. The quicklings are in the process of building a faerie mound to mark their territory when the party comes upon them.

  6. The quicklings are feasting on unidentified flesh when the party comes upon them.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Pyrolisk...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with a supernatural flying beast with a penchant for fire. P is for Pyrolisk.


Brief Description: The pyrolisk resembles a large rooster with crimson feathers and a long lizard-like tail with a single tail feather. All who meet the burning gaze of the pyrolisk burst into flames. These bizarre creatures are immune to fire and can even cause normal fires to explode into a shower of pyrotechnics. Within the Madlands, these

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Young Pyrolisks, 1 Pyrolisk. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Young Pyrolisks, 2 Pyrolisks, 1 Advanced Pyrolisk. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Young Pyrolisks, 4 Pyrolisks, 2 Advanced Pyrolisks. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Young Pyrolisk: AC 6 [13]; HD 3; Atk: bite (1d3); ST: 14; SP: immune to fire, pyrotechnics; MV: 9, fly 21; CL 5; XP 240.

  • Pyrolisk: AC 4 [15]; HD 6; Atk: bite (1d4); ST: 11; SP: burning gaze (2d6 fire damage, save halves), immune to fire, pyrotechnics; MV: 9, fly 21; CL 9; XP 1,100.

  • Advanced Pyrolisk: AC 2 [17]; HD 9; Atk: bite (1d6); ST: 6; SP: burning gaze (4d6 fire damage, save halves), immune to fire, pyrotechnics; MV: 9, fly 21; CL 13; XP 2,300.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The presence of pyrolisks has started a wildfire.

  2. The pyrolisks are returning from an unsuccessful hunt when they come across the party.

  3. The pyrolisks have cornered a large herbivore and are roasting it alive with their gaze attack.

  4. The pyrolisks are asleep, and do not take kindly to anyone waking them up.

  5. The pyrolisks are chasing a flock of flying creatures when they come upon the party.

  6. The pyrolisks are actually of two different flocks, and are confronting one another over territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Ogre...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter dealing with the most common of the lesser giants. O is for Ogre.


Brief Description: Ogres typically stand between nine and ten feet tall and can weigh up to 650 lbs. With the high presence of adventurers in the Madlands, the ogre population has been slowly dwindling; they are, in essence, a dying race, suffering a slow genocide at the hand of explorers and treasure hunters.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Ogre Warriors. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 8 Ogre Youth, 4 Ogre Warriors, 1 Ogre Warlord. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 14 Ogre Youth, 8 Ogre Warriors, 2 Ogre Warlords. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Ogre Youth: AC 8 [11]; HD 2; Atk: by weapon (1d6+1); ST: 16; SP: none; MV: 9; CL 2; XP: 30.

  • Ogre Warrior: AC 5 [14]; HD 4+1; Atk: by weapon (1d10+1); ST: 13; SP: none; MV: 9; CL 4; XP: 120.

  • Ogre Warlord: AC 3 [16]; HD 8; Atk: by weapon (1d10+2); ST: 8; SP: none; MV: 9; CL 8; XP: 800.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The ogres are fleeing the wanton destruction of their former lair.

  2. The ogres attempt to trade with the party for food, medicinal herbs and similar trade goods.

  3. The ogres are torturing a prisoner they'd captured trying to sneak into their encampment to steal their treasure when the party comes upon them.

  4. The ogres are returning to their lair after retrieving their monthly tribute from a nearby settlement.

  5. The ogres are heading toward a great gathering of their kind, called by a mysterious giant leader rumored to have the power to deliver death back onto those who have slain so many of the ogres in the past.

  6. The ogres have transporting prisoners back to their lair when the party comes upon them.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Night Hag Cult...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on the covens of twisted witches devoted to Reverie, Lord of Dreams, a demigod that once served the dead goddess Psyche. N is for Night Hag Cult.

Night Hag Cult

Brief Description: Night hags appear as wretched old women, with long, frayed hair and withered faces. Their frail frames possess supernatural strength and preternatural speed, and their thin fingers bear iron-like claws. Worshippers of Reverie, a grieving demigod of dreams and slumber, these night hags and their mortal followers practice dark magics, lulling their victims to sleep and attacking them in their dreams. Although individually powerful, a coven of three night hags is even moreso, accessing greater magical prowess when working closely with one another (cast spells as two levels higher). Their followers often bear a special gem called a hag eye, which the hags can magically see through at a distance. Night hags love to trick unsuspecting victims into performing heinous acts, because they believe that nightmares empower their god and thus themselves. Night hags are gluttons for the flesh of humanoids, particularly humans.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 6 Initiates, 1 Witch. 2d6x10 silver shillings, one consumable item (50% chance). (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 10 Initiates, 2 Witches, 1 Night Hag. 3d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d4+1 gems, one potion (100% chance), one scroll (100% chance) and two other consumable items (50% chance each).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 12 Initiates, 6 Witches, 3 Night Hags. 3d6x1000 silver shillings, 3d4 gems, three potions (100% chance), three scrolls (100% chance), one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic item (50% chance), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Initiate: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6-1 hp; Atk: by dagger (1d4); ST: 15; SP: casts spells as 1st level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Witch: AC 8 [11]; HD 3d6-3 hp; Atk: by quarterstaff (1d6); ST: 13; SP: casts spells as 3rd level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 4; XP: 120.

  • Night Hag: AC 1 [18]; HD 8; Atk: one bite (1d8), two claws (1d6); ST: 8; SP: casts spells as a 6th-level Magic-User, damage reduction (half damage except from iron or +2 or greater magical weapons), shape change (any man-sized or smaller humanoid); MV: 15; CL 13; XP 2,300.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The cult is in the midst of a dark ritual when the party comes upon them.

  2. The cultists decide that the most charismatic member of the party would make a great sacrifice to their god, and attempt to lull him to sleep.

  3. A witch is torturing a blasphemous cult member before the other cultists when the party comes on the scene.

  4. The cultists demand to know why the party has come to consult the oracular abilities of the night hags, assuming that they are pilgrims seeking mystic insight at a price.

  5. The night hag cultists are sleeping and performing dream magic, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The cultists are preparing children (who are still living at the moment, but not for long if the party doesn't act quickly) as meals for night hags when the party encounters them.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Mantids...

Good Afternoon, All:

I'm halfway through the alphabet with this post, and still going strong. For my thirteenth post in this year's A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on the insectoid men who inhabit the tall mounds that are their hives. M is for Mantid.


Brief Description: Covered in dark chitin, mantids are intelligent insect-men that roam the Shattered Plains of the Madlands. Their hives are often quite huge and can cover a larger territory than the average human city. Mantids have domesticated giant beetles, which often accompany workers outside the hive. Being of a hive mentality, the mantid mindset is completely alien to most humanoids. For that reason, diplomacy is always a tricky matter, particularly if the non-mantids do not display a united front. Independent, contradictory thought is considered a crime against the hive, and is punishable by death within mantid society.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Giant Beetles, 1 Mantid Worker. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Giant Beetles, 2 Mantid Workers, 1 Mantid Warrior. 2d4x100 silver shillings, 2d4 slaves, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 8 Giant Beetles, 4 Mantid Workers, 2 Mantid Warriors. 2d6x100 silver shillings, 2d6 slaves, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Giant Beetle: AC 6 [13]; HD 2; Atk: one bite (1d8); ST: 16; SP: acid spray (10-ft cone, 2d4 damage, save negates, 1/round); MV: 12; CL 3; XP 60.

  • Mantid Worker: AC 7 [12]; HD 3; Atk: one bite (1d6 + paralytic poison), two claws (1d4); ST: 14; SP: leap (can leap 20 ft forward or 50 ft upward), paralytic poison (target paralyzed until save negates, one save per round); MV: 18; CL 6; XP 400.

  • Mantid Warrior: AC 5 [14]; HD 6; Atk: one bite (1d8 + paralytic poison), two claws (1d8); ST: 11; SP: leap (can leap 20 ft forward or 50 ft upward), paralytic poison (target paralyzed until save negates, one save per round); MV: 18; CL 9; XP 1,100.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The mantids are an advance group sent out to find a site for a new hive, as a new queen has been born.

  2. The party comes across the mantids as they are returning to their hive with food from their most recent expedition.

  3. The mantids address the party as representatives of a diplomatic emissary for continued negotiations. (All juicy humanoids apparently look alike to the chitinous mantids.)

  4. The hive needs food, and the party will suffice to supplement the larder.

  5. The mantids are seeking a certain medicinal plant, and are willing to trade for it, if the party has some to offer.

  6. Having declared war on a humanoid tribe, the party is attacked out of sheer mistaken identity.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Lupiscupines...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my twelfth post in this year's A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a breed of wolf that bears the quills of a porcupine. L is for Lupiscupine.


Brief Description: The lupiscupine is a breed of wolf that bears the quills of a porcupine. When nervous, frightened, or threatened, its quills rise like the hackles of a dog. It can use these quills both offensively and defensively. In all other respects, a lupiscupine behaves like a wolf. A pack of lupiscupines will circle an enemy and attack in small groups from all directions simultaneously, then retreat to the safety of the circle. Although lupiscupines can discharge their quills at multiple targets, they normally use this ability when trying to dissuade a dangerous foe from attacking or when attempting to flee from combat. Normally, one or two pack members will shake off their quills to provide cover for the other lupiscupines as they make their escape. During particularly lean hunting seasons, however, lupiscupines have been known to use their quill bursts in attempts to take down prey.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.

  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Lupiscupine Cubs, 1 Lupiscupine. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 10 Lupiscupine Cubs, 3 Lupiscupines, 1 Advanced Lupiscupine. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 20 Lupiscupine Cubs, 6 Lupiscupines, 2 Advanced Lupiscupines. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Lupiscupine Cubs: AC 5 [14]; HD 1; Atk: bite (1d4); ST: 17; SP: quill burst (all within 15 feet take 1d3 damage, save negates, once per week), quills (anyone grappling or striking a lupiscupine with natural weapons takes 1d3 damage); MV: 18; CL 2; XP 30.

  • Lupiscupine: AC 4 [15]; HD 2; Atk: bite (1d6); ST: 16; SP: quill burst (all within 15 feet take 1d4 damage, save negates, once per week), quills (anyone grappling or striking a lupiscupine with natural weapons takes 1d4 damage); MV: 18; CL 3; XP 60.

  • Advanced Lupiscupine: AC 2 [17]; HD 6; Atk: bite (2d6); ST: 11; SP: quill burst (all within 15 feet take 1d6 damage, save negates, once per week), quills (anyone grappling or striking a lupiscupine with natural weapons takes 1d6 damage); MV: 18; CL 7; XP 600.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The pack of lupiscupines is returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  2. The pack of lupiscupines is patrolling the region, defending their territory from intruders.

  3. The pack of lupiscupines is chasing another group of creatures.

  4. The pack of lupiscupines has cornered or surrounded a wounded herbivore, which is now defending itself desperately.

  5. The pack of lupiscupines is sleeping after a successful hunt, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The lupiscupines are actually of two different packs, and are confronting one another over their territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Kelshani Slavers...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my eleventh post in this year's A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on "devil-man" slavers from the Bloody Sands. K is for Kelshani.


Brief Description: Recently emerging from their underground empires to explore the Madlands, the red-skinned, fork-tailed folk known as the Kelshan are sadistic slavers and cruel warriors bound in service to their dark master and patron deity, Sandamos, the Grand Tyrant, Lord of Demons. Bands of Kelshani slavers, led by diabolistic sorcerers, wander the Madlands in search of new slaves. Some of those captured will be sold, some will serve the Kelshani as servants and laborers, and some unfortunate souls will be sacrificed to Sandamos.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Kelshani Slavers, 1 Kelshani Cultist. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Kelshani Slavers, 2 Kelshani Cultists, 1 Kelshani Master Slaver, 1 Kelshani Slave Lord. 2d4x100 silver shillings, 2d4 slaves, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Kelshani Slavers, 5 Kelshani Cultists, 2 Kelshani Master Slavers, 1 Kelshani Slave Lord. 2d6x100 silver shillings, 2d6 slaves, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Kelshani Slavers: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: +4 on saves to resist enchantment and charm magic; MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Kelshani Cultist: AC 5 [14]; HD 3d6+3 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 12; SP: +4 on saves to resist enchantment and charm magic, casts spells as 3rd level magic-user; MV: 9; CL 5; XP: 240.

  • Kelshani Master Slaver: AC 5 [14]; HD 5d6+10 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 12; SP: +4 on saves to resist enchantment and charm magic; MV: 9; CL 6; XP: 400.

  • Kelshani Slave Lord: AC 4 [15]; HD 7d6+7 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 8; SP: +4 on saves to resist enchantment and charm magic, casts spells as 7th level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 10; XP: 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The slavers have been hiding nearby, ready to ambush the unsuspecting party.

  2. The party comes across the slavers as they are marching a chained line of prisoners back to their encampment after a recent raid.

  3. The leader of the slavers demands to parley with the leader of the party, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners in order to obtain the release of a Kelshani noble from surface custody. (The party will likely have no clue as to what the slavers are talking about.)

  4. The Kelshani slavers are in the midst of a ritual sacrifice to summon a lesser demon when the party comes upon them.

  5. The slavers, observing the party's affluent nature, offers to trade some of their prisoners for an appropriate amount of treasure. (Assume roughly a thousand silver shilling/gold pieces per raw slave.)

  6. The slavers are fleeing a twisted aberration from the depths of the Madlands when the they encounter the party, and are more than willing to use the party to distract the beast while they get away.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Jackal Lords...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on the bands of rogues and brigands that plague the Madlands. J is for Jackal Lords.

Jackal Lords

Brief Description: Life in the Madlands is hard and often fruitless. Many mercenaries, having crossed the Sovereign Chasm with high hopes of finding treasure and great wealth, find themselves unable to afford the return passage across the Skybridge back to Fellgorge. The less reputable of them band together as bandits, brigands and rogues, striking against returning expeditions in hopes of stealing any treasure for themselves. While these bands often identify themselves by various names, most adventurers call them Jackal Lords, after the most famous and successful of the bandits to employ this technique of acquiring "easy wealth."

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Jackal Rogues, 1 Jackal Lord. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Jackal Rogues, 2 Jackal Lords, 1 Jackal Warlord. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Jackal Rogues, 4 Jackal Lords, 2 Jackal Warlords. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Jackal Rogue: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: Sneak attack (+2 attack, x2 damage with surprise); MV: 12; CL 1; XP: 15.

  • Jackal Lord: AC 5 [14]; HD 4d6+8 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 13; SP: Sneak attack (+2 attack, x2 damage with surprise); MV: 9; CL 5; XP: 200.

  • Jackal Warlord: AC 2 [17]; HD 8d6+16 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 9; SP: Improved sneak attack (+2 attack, x3 damage with surprise); MV: 9; CL 9; XP: 1,100.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The Jackal Lords lie in wait for a successful expedition to cross their path, and assume the party is likely to have treasure.

  2. A seemingly innocent campsite serves as the lure for an ambush by the Jackal Lords.

  3. The Jackal Lords are seeking new memberships after suffering recent losses, and will welcome the party into their ranks if they donate all of their accumulated wealth to the coffers of the band and accept the rule of the band's leader.

  4. The Jackal Lords are fleeing a divinely-warped aberration from the depths of the Madlands, and are more than willing to send the party in that direction to distract the beast.

  5. The Jackal Lords pose as an expedition, and seek to gain the trust of the party by attempting to travel with them "for protection" before attacking in the middle of the night.

  6. The leader of the Jackal Lords is an exiled noble who seeks to return to his native land and exact vengeance on those who exiled him.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Iron Golem (the Army of Crafted Soldiers)...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on animated arcane soldiers created by mages to wreak havoc among mortal enemies during the War of Blood and Tears. I is for Iron Golem (the Army of Crafted Soldiers).

Iron Golem (the Army of Crafted Soldiers)

Brief Description: In the War of Blood and Tears, the gods were not the only ones to wage a great war. Many of their mortal followers also lost themselves in holy wars against the followers of opposing philosophies. It was a time of turmoil, and mortals perpetrated many great atrocities on one another in the name of divine service. When populations dwindled, some mages took it upon themselves to create animated soldiers using ancient techniques of golemcraft. The Army of Crafted Soldiers from the City-State of Balmordak was the largest military unit of warrior-golems that came out of this era. Although most have been destroyed by the passage of time and encounters with powerful forces, some small bands of these ironclad warrior-golems still wander through the Madlands in pursuit of orders that are no longer relevant.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Lesser Warrior-Golems, 1 Warrior-Golem. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 5 Lesser Warrior-Golems, 2 Warrior-Golems, 1 Greater warrior-golem. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 10 Lesser Warrior-Golems, 5 Warrior-Golems, 2 Greater Warrior-Golems. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Lesser Warrior-Golem: AC 9 [10]; HD 2 (10 hp); Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: damage resistance (half damage from non-magical weapons), immunity to fire-based spells; MV: 12; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Warrior-Golem: AC 8 [11]; HD 4 (20 hp); Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 13; SP: damage resistance (half damage from non-magical weapons), immunity to fire-based spells; MV: 12; CL 6; XP 400.

  • Greater Warrior-Golem: AC 7 [12]; HD 6 (30 hp); Atk: two weapons (1d6 each); ST: 11; SP: damage resistance (half damage from weapons less than +2), immunity to fire-based spells; MV: 12; CL 8; XP 800.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The warrior-golems are storming a ruined structure, and mistake the party for reinforcements sent to protect the rubble they are assaulting.

  2. The warrior-golems are patrolling the region over well-worn paths when the party encounters them.

  3. The warrior-golems stand vigilant guard over some skeletal remains at an ancient campsite, and allow nothing or no one to approach the site.

  4. The warrior-golems are marching in formation, as if in a parade or a procession, when the party encounters them.

  5. The warrior-golems are escorting prisoners back to their base camp when the party encounters them.

  6. The warrior-golems stand at attention before their leader as if they were metallic statues, until a living creature approaches within combat range or until they are attacked.


Monday, April 09, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Horror From Beyond...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on the twisted aberrations forged by the warping of time and space when gods battle and spill their blood on the Plane Prime. H is for Horrors From Beyond.

Horrors From Beyond

Brief Description: In the War of Blood and Tears, many creatures died when the blood of battling gods spilled upon the Great Plains. Those few that survived were warped beyond recognition, mutated into twisted aberrations by the unfettered chaotic energies of divine ichor. Over the centuries, these pseudo-natural creatures have hidden away in ancient ruins and dark caverns, until their numbers have grown sufficiently large enough to devour everything in their lairs. Now, groups of these bizarre mutants have begun to creep out into the open, preying on the inattentive and the weak to satisfy their ever-growing hunger. These creatures often resemble hairless, slime-covered animals with tentacles about their mouths and along their neck or shoulders, serving as additional limbs for capturing and holding prey while they feed.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Lesser Horrors, 1 Horror. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 5 Lesser Horrors, 2 Horrors, 1 Greater Horror. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 10 Lesser Horrors, 5 Horrors, 2 Greater Horrors. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Lesser Horror From Beyond: AC 6 [13]; HD 2; Atk: bite (1d4+paralytic poison), two tentacles (1d3); ST: 16; SP: paralytic poison (target paralyzed until save negates, one save per round); MV: 9, fly 18; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Horror From Beyond: AC 4 [15]; HD 4; Atk: bite (1d6), two tentacles (1d4+constrict); ST: 13; SP: constrict (each round after a tentacle hits, target receives 1d4 damage automatically, until released or target escapes); MV: 12; CL 7; XP 600.

  • Greater Horror From Beyond: AC 2 [17]; HD 7; Atk: bite (2d6), two tentacles (1d8+constrict); ST: 9; SP: constrict (each round after a tentacle hits, target receives 1d8 damage automatically, until released or target escapes); MV: 15; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The party encounter the horrors feeding on a bound sacrifice that had been left by humanoids that worship these horrors as messengers of the gods.

  2. Enraged by hunger, the horrors rabidly pursue the party as their next potential meal.

  3. The party comes across horrors laying eggs or depositing larvae within the corpses of a recently slain humanoid patrol.

  4. The party comes across a circle of horrors apparently conducting an animalistic mating ritual or summoning ceremony.

  5. The party observes the horrors emerging from an unnatural tear in space and time opened centuries ago during the War of Blood and Tears, as if recently arriving from some other dimension. (They are really returning to their home plane after exploring the other side of the portal, but players may jump to other conclusions.)

  6. The horrors are patrolling the territory surrounding their lair when they encounter the party.


Sunday, April 08, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Giant (Camerian)...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on the tallest of the humanoid creatures common the plains of the Madlands. G is for Giant, specifically the Camerian Giant.

Giant (Camerian)

Brief Description: The first intelligent race created by the goddess Terantha, the giants of Cameria resemble stocky humans that stand around twelve feet tall and weigh about 1500 pounds. Camerian giants prefer thick leather garments, dyed in shades of brown and gray to match the mountains and hills around them. Ordinarily a somber, philosophic race, Camerian giants will not hesitate to engage in combat should their lives and freedoms become threatened. While they prefer to fight at a distance whenever possible, these giants wield massive two-handed clubs, axes and swords with impressive skill when the situation calls for it. Camerian giants typically travel in small family units, and are rarely encountered in large communities.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 2 Juvenile Camerian Giants. 2d6x10 silver shillings, 1d3 gems.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 4 Juvenile Camerian Giants, 1 Camerian Giant. 3d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d4+1 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry and two consumable items (50% chance each).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 10 Juvenile Camerian Giants, 3 Camerian Giants. 3d6x1000 silver shillings, 3d4 gems, 3d4 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic item (50% chance), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Juvenile Camerian Giant: AC 4 [15]; HD 4; Atk: great club or similar weapon (2d6) or rock (2d6); ST: 13; SP: rock throwing (+1 attack with rocks); MV: 12; CL 6; XP 400.

  • Camerian Giant: AC 0 [19]; HD 9; Atk: huge great club or similar weapon (3d6) or rock (3d6); ST: 6; SP: rock throwing (+1 attack with rocks), rock catching (with save, catches rock or large missile; once per round); MV: 12; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The giants are hunting or gathering food when the party encounters them.

  2. The giants are building a new lair for themselves.

  3. The giants are sleeping around the remains of a campfire, while one remains on watch.

  4. The giants are lost.

  5. The giants are at a pre-arranged location, preparing to negotiate with other humanoids over a recent dispute.

  6. The giants are practicing their rock throwing when the party comes upon them.


Friday, April 06, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Fyrcat...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a feline predator with a frightful presence. F is for Fyrcat.


Brief Description: The adult fyrcat is a man-sized feline predator with an innate supernatural ability to cause fear and inspire terror. The alpha male that leads a pride is often significantly larger than the others. Fierce beasts, fyrcats are sometimes raised in captivity for use in great battles, where their frightful presence can demoralize soldiers and open enemy lines to attack.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 4 Fyrcat Cubs, 1 Fyrcat. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 8 Fyrcat Cubs, 2 Fyrcats, 1 Alpha Male Fyrcat. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 16 Fyrcat Cubs, 6 Fyrcat, 1 Alpha Male Fyrcat. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Fyrcat Cub: AC 8 [11]; HD 1; Atk: bite (1d4); ST: 17; SP: fearful stun (adjacent target becomes stunned for one round out of fear; save negates); MV: 15; CL 2; XP 30.

  • Fyrcat: AC 7 [12]; HD 3; Atk: bite (1d6); ST: 14; SP: cause fear (60 ft cone; target flees in fear, 60% chance of dropping what they're holding; save negates); MV: 18; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Alpha Male Fyrcat: AC 5 [14]; HD 6; Atk: bite (1d8); ST: 11; SP: cause fear (60 ft cone; target flees in fear, 60% chance of dropping what they're holding; save negates); MV: 18; CL 8; XP 800.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The pride of fyrcats are returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  2. The pride of fyrcats are patrolling the region, defending their territory from intruders.

  3. The pride of fyrcats are chasing a small band of ragged humanoids.

  4. The pride of fyrcats have cornered or surrounded a wounded herbivore, which is now defending itself desperately.

  5. The pride of fyrcats are sleeping after a successful hunt, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The fyrcats are actually of two different prides, and are confronting one another over their territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Thursday, April 05, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Earth Drake...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a draconic creature of the Madlands and the cultists that worship them. E is for Earth Drake.

Earth Drake

Brief Description: Though not as rare as true dragons, the powerful yet primitive drakes are venerated by some as the physical embodiment of the spirits of the land, twisted by their exposure to the fallen blood of the gods. Earth drakes, in particular, are worshiped by small cults that provide them with offerings of food, sacrifice and sparkling treasure. These cultists sometimes terrorize neighboring regions in their quest to appease their earth drake "gods." As their gods are not divine, almost all earth drake cult priests are actually magic-users.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.
  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Drake Cultists, 1 Drake Priest. 2d6x10 silver shillings, 1d2 jewelry. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Drake Cultists, 3 Drake Priests, 1 Earth Drake. 3d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d4+1 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry and two consumable items (50% chance each).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Drake Cultists, 6 Drake Priests, 1 Earth Drake. 3d6x1000 silver shillings, 3d4 gems, 3d4 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic item (50% chance), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.
  • Drake Cultist: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: +1 on attack rolls in defense of their priests or of earth drakes; MV: 12; CL 1; XP 15.

  • Drake Priest: AC 8 [11]; HD 3d6-3 hp; Atk: by quarterstaff (1d6); ST: 13; SP: casts spells as 3rd level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Earth Drake: AC 0 [19]; HD 10; Atk: bite (2d8), tail slap (1d10); ST: 5; SP: breath weapon (30-ft cone, 5d6 acid damage, Save halves, once per 1d4 rounds); MV: 12; CL 15; XP 2,900.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The cult is in the midst of the ceremonial removal of loose scales from the earth drake when the party comes upon the scene.

  2. The cultists immediately decide that the largest member of the party would make a great sacrifice to their god.

  3. The drake and the drake priest are torturing a blasphemous cult member before the other cultists when the party comes on the scene.

  4. The earth drake is about to devour a bound young virgin as its cult watches on with glee when the party encounters them.

  5. The earth drake and its cultists are sleeping after a long night of ritual feasting and celebration, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The cultists actually worship two different earth drakes, and are confronting one another over territory disputes when the party comes upon the scene.


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Dinosaurs...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on our favorite giant reptiles from a time before mankind walked the earth. D is for Dinosaurs.


Brief Description: Dinosaurs are a common sight on the Great Plains, even in that twisted and warped region known as the Madlands. Packs of velociraptors roam the plains, scavenging from the prey of larger beasts such as the deinonychus or megaraptor.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.

  • Novice (levels 1-3): 3 Velociraptors, 1 Deinonychus. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 10 Velociraptors, 2 Deinonychus, 1 Megaraptor. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 20 Velociraptors, 4 Deinonychus, 2 Megaraptors. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Velociraptor: AC 5 [14]; HD 2; Atk: bite (1d4), two claws (1d6); ST: 16; SP: pounce (can make both claw attacks at the end of a charge); MV: 18; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Deinonychus: AC 4 [15]; HD 4; Atk: bite (1d6), two claws (1d8); ST: 13; SP: pounce (can make both claw attacks at the end of a charge); MV: 18; CL 6; XP 400.

  • Megaraptor: AC 3 [16]; HD 8; Atk: bite (1d8), two claws (2d6); ST: 8; SP: pounce (can make both claw attacks at the end of a charge); MV: 18; CL 10; XP 1,400.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. In the middle of a hunt, the pack of hungry dinosaurs are pursuing herbivores when the slower-moving party comes upon the scene.

  2. The pack of dinosaurs treat the party as rival hunters attempting to encrouch on their territory.

  3. Fresh from a failed hunt, the pack of dinosaurs are returning home when they spy the party.

  4. Scavenging, the pack of dinosaurs are feasting on the remains of a huge beast when the party encounters them.

  5. The pack of dinosaurs are sleeping after a successful hunt, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The dinosaurs are actually of two different packs, and are confronting one another over territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Canker Hound...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a plague-ridden flying canine. C is for Canker Hound.

Canker Hound

Brief Description: Pestilent bearers of plague and disease, the canker hound resembles a large wolf with black, leathery bat wings, its hide spotty with mange, blemishes and pustules. Twisted by the blood of gods, the canker hound is a ferocious predator. Indeed, the bite of a canker hound is highly infectious with canker fever. Canker hounds themselves are immune to disease.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.

  • Novice (levels 1-3): 3 Canker Hound Cubs, 1 Canker Hound. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 10 Canker Hound Cubs, 2 Canker Hounds, 1 Advanced Canker Hound. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 20 Canker Hound Cubs, 4 Canker Hounds, 2 Advanced Canker Hounds. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Canker Hound Cubs: AC 6 [13]; HD 2; Atk: bite (1d6 + disease); ST: 16; SP: diseased bite (1d6 damage per day, save ends), immune to disease; MV: 15, fly 21; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Canker Hound: AC 4 [15]; HD 5; Atk: bite (1d8 + disease); ST: 12; SP: diseased bite (2d4 damage per day, save ends), immune to disease; MV: 15, fly 21; CL 8; XP 800.

  • Advanced Canker Hound: AC 3 [16]; HD 8; Atk: bite (2d6 + disease); ST: 8; SP: diseased bite (2d6 damage per day, save ends), immune to disease; MV: 15, fly 21; CL 11; XP 1,700.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The pack of canker hounds are returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  2. The pack of canker hounds are marking their territory as a warning to intruders.

  3. The pack of canker hounds are chasing a flock of flying creatures.

  4. The pack of canker hounds have gathered about the corpse of one of their cubs, mourning their loss when the party comes upon the scene.

  5. The pack of canker hounds are sleeping after a successful hunt, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The canker hounds are actually of two different packs, and are confronting one another over territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Monday, April 02, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Banth...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my next post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter focused on a dangerous ten-legged felinoid predator. B is for Banth.


Brief Description: The banth is a ferocious felinoid carnivore that prowls hills in search of prey, its protruding green eyes ever attentive to its environment as it hunts. Roughly the size of a horse, this ten-legged beast’s long lithe body is powerfully muscled and almost hairless, having only a great, bristly mane about its thick neck. The beast’s head is predominately mouth, with several rows of long needle-like fangs lining its jaws which open to a point far back of its tiny ears, revealing several rows of long needle-like fangs.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.

  • Novice (levels 1-3): 3 Banth Cubs, 1 Juvenile Banth. 2d6x5 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 10 Banth Cubs, 2 Juvenile Banths, 1 Banth. 3d6x10 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 20 Banth Cubs, 4 Juvenile Banths, 2 Banths. 4d6x20 silver shillings, basic mundane equipment on the corpses of previous victims.

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Banth Cub: AC 7 [12]; HD 2; Atk: bite (1d6); ST: 16; SP: none; MV: 12; CL 2; XP 30.

  • Juvenile Banth: AC 5 [14]; HD 6; Atk: bite (1d8), two claws (1d4); ST: 11; SP: pounce (can make both claw attacks at the end of a charge); MV: 12; CL 7; XP 600.

  • Banth: AC 3 [16]; HD 10; Atk: bite (2d6), two claws (1d6); ST: 5; SP: pounce (can make both claw attacks at the end of a charge); MV: 12; CL 13; XP 2,300.

Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The pride of banth are returning to their lair after an unsuccessful hunt.

  2. The pride of banth are patrolling the region, defending their territory from intruders.

  3. The pride of banth are chasing another group of creatures.

  4. The pride of banth have cornered or surrounded a wounded herbivore, which is now defending itself desperately.

  5. The pride of banth are sleeping after a successful hunt, and do not take kindly to being interrupted.

  6. The banth are actually of two different prides, and are confronting one another over their territory when the party comes upon the scene.


Sunday, April 01, 2012

Sandbox Encounters: Adventurers' Expedition...

Good Afternoon, All:

For my first post in the A-Z Challenge, I will be posting a Sandbox Encounter for bands of NPCs exploring the Madlands. A is for Adventurers' Expedition.

Adventurers' Expedition

Brief Description: Despite the dangerous nature of the Madlands, many adventurers travel into the warped lands in search of treasure and lost lore. They will often band together in large expeditions, as the mortality rate for adventurers is quite high. Most expeditions are leary of strangers, assuming that they are thieves, murderers and cutthroats who make their living by attacking explorers. In some cases, expeditions turn to ambushing others when times have been hard.

Encounter Groups: These are common encounter groups for this type of encounter.

  • Novice (levels 1-3): 5 Men-At-Arms, 1 Mage. 2d6x10 silver shillings. (I use a silver standard in my campaigns.)

  • Seasoned (levels 4-6): 15 Men-At-Arms, 1 Mage, 1 Priest, 1 Personal Defender, 1 High Mage. 2d4x1000 silver shillings, 1d3 gems, 1d3 jewelry, two consumable items (50% chance each), and one magic item (50% chance).

  • Veteran (levels 7-10): 30 Men-At-Arms, 3 Mages, 3 Priests, 2 Personal Defenders, 1 High Mage. 2d6x1000 silver shillings, 2d4 gems, 1d4+1 jewelry, one magic weapon (50% chance), one magic armor (50% chance), two magic items (50% chance each), and two consumables (50% chance each).

Stat Blocks: The following stats are provided as examples for inspiration. Please adjust as needed to fit your preferred gaming system and style.

  • Men-At-Arms: AC 8 [11]; HD 1d6+2 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 16; SP: +1 on attack rolls in defense of their patron; MV: 12; CL 1; XP 15.

  • Mage: AC 8 [11]; HD 3d6-3 hp; Atk: by dagger (1d4); ST: 13; SP: casts spells as 3rd level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Priest: AC 5 [14]; HD 3d6+3 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d6); ST: 12; SP: casts spells as 3rd level priest; MV: 9; CL 4; XP 120.

  • Personal Defender: AC 5 [14]; HD 5d6+10 hp; Atk: by weapon (1d8); ST: 12; SP: +1 on attack rolls in defense of their patron; MV: 9; CL 5; XP 200.

  • High Mage: AC 8 [11]; HD 7d6-7 hp; Atk: by dagger (1d4); ST: 9; SP: casts spells as 7th level magic-user; MV: 12; CL 9; XP 1,100.
Encounter Ideas: Here are six different scenarios related to this encounter type.
  1. The expedition is returning from their recent exploration of ruins found in the Madlands, with a portion of the loot as their treasure.

  2. The expedition has encountered bad fortune, and their patron insists they turn to thievery to avoid coming back empty-handed.

  3. The patron of the expedition is seeking a great ritual that has been lost for generations, and is willing to hire the party to join him, if he thinks they can help.

  4. The expedition is fleeing a divinely-warped aberration from the depths of the Madlands, and is more than willing to send the party in that direction to distract it.

  5. The patron of the expedition is cursed and actually seeks to return an item to the place where he first discovered it.

  6. The patron of the expedition is in competition with a rival to acquire a specific treasure first, and believes the party has been hired by the rival to slow him down or misdirect him.
